Other Services
Our other services suitable for you that want to get help with practical and administrative tasks (such as banking, tax issues,notary services, contact with car dealers, leasing companies, property companies, Estonian authorities, etc.)
All hourly rates below refer by starting hour |
General questions and issues, English and Swedish speaking 50 EUR* |
Legal issues and cases, English and Estonian speaking 100 EUR* |
Extention of company adress, postal service and counseling** 55 EUR/month* (The first three months are included in the Budget Package and Budget Package-PLUS and the first six months are included in Package 1 and Package 2) |
Extension of the company address, postal service and counselling**, is done automatically as long as your company has its address at myCompany-Baltic Support Oü. We apply the current billing for our other services, 10 days net. Our financial partner Svea Finantseerimine Oü (Svea Finance) handles our billing.
For other questions and details, and what suits your company, contact us.
* Estonian VAT 20% will be added to prices.
**1 hour per month over the phone.