+372 627 46 41
Should we call?

Package comparison

Here you can compare our different packages and see which package suits you best. 

Ready company
Company account / Internet banking / Phone banking / Mastercard
Company adress, postal service and 1 hour counseling/month, free for 3 months
Company adress, postal service and 1 hour counseling/month, free for 6 months
Business advice and rewiew of your business approach
Personal private economic consultancy
Flight 1 time return London (city in other country is also an option) - Tallinn
Flight 2 times return London (city in other country is also an option) - Tallinn
Private bank account / Internet banking / Phone banking / Mastercard
Estonian id-code and id-card
Registered private address in Estonia
Phone number to the company (cash card for mobil phone)
Private phone number (cash card for mobil)
Nice response

Choose language here
Savings calculator
Our savings calculator calculates the effect of corporation tax, benift value and income tax

Savings examples
We have put together a few typical examples of ...

No corporate tax
No personal benefit value
Lower income tax
Package solutions

Our package solutions
Budget Package 1.700 EUR*
Budget Package PLUS 2.600 EUR*
Package 1 2.800 EUR*
Package 2 4.000 EUR*
Private Package 900 EUR*

Try out which package that suits you!
Package comparison
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