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Lower income tax

Only 21% in income tax - regardless of the size of income!

We have on this page made ​​a comparison that shows how much more you have to pay income tax on your earned income in a Swedish company. The comparison is between earned income from a Swedish company and an Estonian company. (check your local income tax to compere). 1 EUR = 9 SEK. 

  • Income in the comparison is between 20 000 and 150 000 SEK / month (choose from the examples below).
  • The Swedish tax is calculated after tax table 32nd.
  • All amounts are simplified examples to show the effect of the lower income tax in Estonia.
  • The comparison is based on 3 years.
The comparison below shows how big the differences are in the tax burden.The difference is due largely to the proggresiv income tax in Sweden (up to 62%), while in Estonia imposing the tax by 21%, regardless of income. Test by selecting salary level below in the comparison.



To avoid having to pay the difference in tax to your local tax authority, you need to write you out as a tax payer in the country you live in now. 

NOTE: This does not affect your citizenship and passports.

If you do not write you out as a tax payer in your country, you are still obliged to inform your Tax authority about your income in Estonia. 


Because the Estonian Tax authority NOT automatically informs or have any online system that informs other EU Tax Agencys that you are taking out income in Estonia, you are personally responsible to inform the Tax Agency in your country if you have income in Estonia.

This of course only if you continue to be a registered tax payer in other country than Estonia. 
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Savings calculator
Our savings calculator calculates the effect of corporation tax, benift value and income tax

Savings examples
We have put together a few typical examples of ...

No corporate tax
No personal benefit value
Lower income tax
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