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Invoicing Example

How to do when you invoice!

Companies in Estonia can trade securities, provide consultancy services, conduct counseling for a fee, making clothes, repairing cars, perform household services, serving food, rent cars, sell gravel, renovate houses, license software,sell the intellectual property rights, etc. (ie the same kind of activities that other European companies can conduct).

Goods and services from Estonia

Invoicing is done from Estonia, and…
  • Goods exported to other country from Estonia.
    - or -
  • Services performed in Estonia or in other country by expatriate staff, to companies or individuals in other county.
Your new Estonian company invoice therefore other country companies or individuals for services rendered or goods delivered. Sales are exclusive of VAT and VAT registration (VAT No.) in Estonia, is not needed for your Estonian company. 

Your new Estonian company is taxed on the profits in Estonia (0% corporate tax). 

Goods and services from other country

Invoicing is done from Estonia, and…
  • Goods are delivered from a other country company to other country companies.
  • Services performed in other country, for other country company.
  • Payment and taxation made through a company in Estonia.
A other country company acts as a subcontractor / supplier / agent for your new Estonian company. Your new Estonian company is taxed on the profits in Estonia (0% corporate tax). 

Invoicing can be done with VAT or without VAT, and .
    • If the other country company invoice the Estonian company and the Estonian company does not have a VAT number in Estonia, then the other country company shall invoice the Estonian company with the other country company VAT. The Estonian company may in such cases not deduct VAT and do not charge VAT to the end customer in its turn.
    • If the other country company invoice the Estonian company and the Estonian company has a VAT number in Estonia then the other country company invoice without VAT. The same applies in the reverse order.

    • If the Estonian company has a VAT number in other country, the other country company invoice the Estonian company with local VAT in that country. The Estonian company can deduct this VAT in their VAT return in that country. The Estonian company invoice final customer with other country local VAT (companies or individuals the same).
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